eclipse rp deathmatching rule

I feel the DM rules along with others should be not as strict but when it comes to the time you have to basically blast someone without talking is fine. If a player informs you that your VOIP isnt working, you must either fix your VOIP using appropriate commands or use text to deliver your demand. Hello Jake Dellon here. Specific rule(s) broken: Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without a proper roleplay reason and interaction. This rule is maintained because the lack of fear RP could be chaotic and hinder roleplay. Bobbypininimas (bandymas atrakinti transporto priemon naudojant plauk segtuk) nesuteikia DM teisi, kad galtumte be demand tiesiogiai audyti, demandai privalo bti duoti, turi bti aiks, gerai girdimi bei matomi. If they report you to the police for a serious crime. Deathmatching) So make sure you have a stable internet connection! (G5.5) Group Names - Business, gang and group names must be realistic. Do not use names of well known characters, celebrities, political figures, criminals, terrorists etc. (For example: Removing charges of your gang members without sufficient roleplay reason). Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without a proper IC motive and interaction. Both the reporting party and reported party were talking shit at the lab to which me and a 2 other triads pull up to the lab for backup in case they did something. Example of Fear RP: From the evidence provided it can be seenthat at no point was i ever in the drivers seat of any vehicle. EclipseRP is a heavy roleplay server. Eclipse-RP - GTA V Roleplaying Server All Activity Home ECLIPSE Roleplay Server Player Reports Archive Jake_Dellon [62] & Zack_Casia [69] | Deathmatching Followers 5 Jake_Dellon [62] & Zack_Casia [69] | Deathmatching By Jaxxon, August 19 in Archive alexx-fr spizor-fr Posted August 19 14. Thanks! Wolfgang was at LSC when a car pulled up and told him to get in because he had a surprise at the park. Sr. Support KimeyBear101 When they drove under the pier, wolfgang got super nervous and tried to run away. The Deathmatching rule states: Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without proper IC motive and interaction. Little did they know, this information was immediately relayed to us. Thank you for your patience as this player report goes under review. Powered by Invision Community. Eclipse Rp Gta V Roleplaying Server. Osborn, November 16, 2021 in News and Announcements. Revenge killing is described as trying to enact revenge by killing or maiming the person or group who just killed you, whether it is moments after or a week later. I would also like to clarify I did not shoot, as I was the driver of the Kamacho. However, we have recognized the need to cap our prison times. We don't want to see action roleplay spike drastically, we still want proper roleplay among our members regardless if criminal or not. Thanks for watching and share with your new friends coming to EclipseRP to help them out! Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay Eclipse Roleplay is a heavy voice roleplay server which to us means our staff enforces being in-character at all times and enforce all forms of roleplay to keep every players story meaningful . There was no reason for them to come after us as we did nothing to them. But what happened was we got word that these guys were talking so much trash and disrespecting both Triads and Zetas If I'm not mistaken they also robbed one of our guys. Account Ownership and Responsibility Account ownership is non-transferable and is the property of the creator. More about that can be found out In Character by contacting the government and/or visiting their website ( Powered by Invision Community. (G8.7)Police Officers of the rank Inspector or higher, or Police Officers within CID or PSD may not roleplay corruption, this rule may not be used to report players and is actioned on a case-by-case basis as determined by Staff/Dev Leads & Management. While this will not affect the vast majority, we understand that some of our players have received lengthy prison sentences, some more regular than others. And for myself who froze for a second it was clear that ID 62 could've given me the chance to surrender. Your escalation and reason behind the kidnapping should be able to be easily documented and explained if required by server staff. To see a list of past winners, check here. Then at 4:10 you can see them clearly ram the Rapid GT again, right after they pass the farming van, which you can see in the first screenshot that Diego King posted. These are rules that you must follow when implementing any extension point. Powered by Invision Community. Desert or forest areas are considered secluded but witnesses should still be considered. If a character commits a crime, for example, robbery, we want them to evaluate whether it makes roleplay sense and whether it's worth it for them to want to shoot at the Police Officer who might potentially show up, or whether it's worth it to get into a car and try to evade. Because there's only about 5 people on my server that actually want to. Having these builds with the intention of having a ridiculous number of tables will be considered unrealistic. Perhaps we'll work something in with the Judicial Branch in the future, whenever they feel ready to start accepting more cases than charge appeals. -1. Prior interaction should include escalation such as a robbery or a report to the police. Your character must not return to the location where you died/bled-out for at least 15 minutes. best source is the Contributing to Eclipse book mentioned on the project reading list. In addition, the Community Rules apply Useful Links: Community Rules - Changelog - Rule Feedback - Ask a Question (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM. (G7.2) Fake hostages - Willing participantsmust not be used as hostages (e.g. As much as we encourage players to adopt a voice to their character, not everyone can - and we don't want to limit someone with, for example, a manly voice, to roleplay being a woman or vice-versa. By Unix time stamp from HUD: 1673926595, Your character name: Wolfgang I parked my vehicle, and started firing at them ( I was not the one who fired first I just joined a chase and saw people shooting together, also I have to say that again from that distance I thought they're firing back ). Deathmatch definition: (video games) A competitive mode found in first-person shooter games in which competitors attempt to assassinate one another. We're going to do our best to revive a suggestions team that will work on actively providing staff feedback on suggested changes, whether it's related to the script, rules, or anything else. Prior interaction should include escalation such as a robbery or a report to the police. Always supply a license with every contribution, Copyright 2012, Refractions Research. If your character is not able to pay the fines associated, your cap will be 8 hours instead. Our kidnapping rules have always been quite strict and limited behind our deathmatching rule. EXAMPLE: /ME PULLS PISTOL FROM HIS HOLSTER AND AIMS AT THE SUSPECT. The block surrounding each zone is also considered. (G2.4) Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands. Can you please explain your side of the story and provide any footage you may have. Non-aggression pacts are allowed. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. These are rules that must be followed when providing an extension point for others developers to If you experience an accident then you are expected to roleplay out the accident, both from your health perspective and the damage to your vehicle. You have been given medical treatment and must continue to roleplay your injuries with the medical treatment in mind. Unrealistic driving is defined as performing unrealistic stunt jumps, driving off the side of cliffs/highways and driving on like nothing happened, and driving at extremely excessive speeds while in urban areas. Players must be able to explain their reason and provide proof of prior reasoning if requested. Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable. I gave him demands and plenty of time to cooperate but he didn't. They got three almost full ammo .50 cal pistols with silencers on them from us as well as each of our knives. Eclipse Roleplay does not tolerate or support racism and derogatory terminology whatsoever and the usage of these is heavily moderated In-Character. I did not save any footage as I was not told that we'd need to save our POV for this situation. respawn), the feud that caused that player(s) to attack you is settled. So, we plan on re-introducing a prison cap at two different levels. Yeah. We hope that you can understand that there is a lot of feedback given to us through various channels (mostly server suggestions), while a lot of this feedback is great, some may not exceed the vision that we have for our community. (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming player vehicles) without a valid roleplay reason is considered RVDM. If you have received a punishment that you disagree with, feel free to file a punishment appeal following the punishment appeal guidelines and format. We wanted, and still want, prison to be a deterrent to constant action roleplay, and for the prison to function as something that provides proper consequences for a character's actions. Excessive Rerolling: Using a "mindwipe" to repeatedly set character stats to fit the current need. If it madesense, then we've removed the jail time and instead kept it as a Misdemeanor Fine, but if it did not make sense to lower the jail time, we've instead increased it by 5-10 minutes. Date of interaction reported: 16/01/2023 Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. Players who go around and use these derogatory slurs without consent, and where the roleplay makes no sense to do so, will receive more harsh punishments moving forward. Ethnic& LGBT+ Slurs & Harassment based on a player's voice. (G2.7) OOC Roleplay - You must not use OOC chat to broadcast events that you observe (for example, you may not broadcast "X are going to rob the bank". Priority Calls, Cooldown, & Peacetime. (G7.7) You may only have one character in a gang or legal profession at any one time. We all got injured and it was a cluster with everything going on but they decided to just search us take what we have and then kill us off. It's important to remember that just because you get sent to prison, the roleplay should not stop. (G1.3) Baiting - Taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Vehicles cannot be used to attack a player on foot more than once, including a failed attempt. He continued ramming for the second time so we decided to shoot at them. proof of being shot and alleged pov prompt. (G7.1) Hostages -Taking hostages must be roleplayed to a very high quality. Punishment: Anything from a verbal warning to a ban depending on severity. 4) In the event that the match ends in a tie (ie, heads to "overtime") at the end of the 1|1 (Bullet) portion the players will continue to play Bullet, rotating colors appropriately, until someone wins a game. Date of interaction reported:5/28/20 2:00 amEST We think it's important that our community members understand that we expect the same quality of roleplay inside of the prison, that we do outside. Prior interaction should include escalation such as a robbery or a report to the police.. 24 hours are long over, time to continue without the reported player's view. A player cannot kill their victim if the victim is in compliance with the demands. Please patrol the full county of San Andreas or whatever hospital area you have been assigned to. Example: Character A is a cop that knows a raid is about to happen on a gang, Character B (same player) is a member of a rival gang. On 5/29/2020 at 7:25 AM, Darrel_Dandy said: Why are you opening fire on them without giving any demands or receiving any hostility? The Deathmatching rule states: Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without proper IC motive and interaction. Posting as I am Cruzio Stax, unfortunately I never saved my POV of that situation regardless I'll be explaining what happened from my side,We had radio calls regarding a similar vehicle to this one, with four people inside trash talking at drug labsand since the description matched this vehicle we called it in and we conducted a chase andas you can see I kept up to the side of the pink vehicle and then flipped by the barn, so I have no idea regarding what happened at the highway or what happened during the chase after I flipped since I had to wait for a mechanic. Please post any footage you may have. The Rapid GT opened fire as soon as they were hit again, because by then we knew it wasn't desync, the reporting party was clearly attempting to hit the rapid. unfortunately not, but at this point i don'tcare about my lost items i just wanna see him get his punishment. (G3.3) Hot Mic - While external communications are discouraged, if used, you must hot-mic all communications that have been made over any external methods or phone conversation when they are relevant to influencing the course of roleplay. The person who killed or maimed you is obligated to respond and violates this rule if they do not. Tommy_Jonson will receive punishment for his second offense of (vehicle) deathmatching. This hit regardless did not change the outcome, you can actively see in the screenshot I am attempting to turn to the left, and brake. Create an account for NoPixel. If anything the players in the white kamacho in the second clip said he'd cap all 3 of us in the mesa. Players should not conduct minor robberies in situations with high risk. Deathmatch (DM) - 3 Hour Rule Followers 2 14. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Blitz Death-Matches are grueling, all-out battles of wit, speed, skill, and endurance. Last I checked, us chasing them is considered hostile but it does not give them rights to ram my ally as they did. Whenever possible, let others contribute to your contributions, Contributions are only loaded when they are needed, As the provider of an extension point, you must protect yourself against misbehavior on the part of When the vehicle stopped one of them tried to escape as you can see from the footage he was running towards scrapyard. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time. Someone is attempting to take the life of your close friend or ally, or if you have witnessed it happen. (G6) Emergency Buildings - Loitering around emergency buildings (Police Stations, Fire Stations and Hospitals) without a valid roleplay story is not allowed. A maximum of 4 people in a single group can be involved in a hostile situation at any given time. NEW:No Crime Zones are listed below. Copyright 2023 ECLIPSE Roleplay (G9.3) Medics and firefighters are not allowed to follow gangs, Police or the Lost MC around. I don't record but I have these conversation snippits, proof of no escalation or demands - Pasted as rich text. ), Someone is attempting to take your life.. Powergaming is the the act of using an in-game mechanic, any external information, or a roleplay concept to favor their own character or story, and give them an unfair or unrealistic advantage. While we're aware that many are eagerly awaiting development updates such as the teased drug update, the least we can do meanwhile is make changes to our community to promote a better quality of life and health. 6) Scoring is simply 1 point for each win, 1/2 for each draw, with no difference based on time control. All characters should grow into their roles initially starting off with few resources and knowledge of the city. 2) There are three time controls: first 5 minutes + 2 second increment, then 3 minutes + 2 second increment, then 1minute + 1 second increment. Police or NHS ranks and collar numbers are fine, as they wear clothing with the rank on '' unless they are undercover. (G7.3) Executions - Executing another player must be realistic and be carried out with high quality roleplay. Date of interaction reported: 19/AUG/2022. Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable. Most servers make it mandatory for players to roleplay fear in situations where they would fear for their lives in real life as well. Unless a new reason has developed, this is considered revenge killing. Roleplaying as a speaker of another language is allowed, however please consider that when speaking to other players they may only understand English.). Mask 1134_5327 5.3.1 Deathmatching/Vehicle Deathmatching. *In the event that a time control ends in a even-score tie, the $100 will be split between the players. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. Define Key Bindings For Eclipse Commands Tutorial. Furthermore, to make it more clear, we're also going to be clarifying that targeting a player with slurs/harassment of any kind based on how they sound like will be considered as not only metagaming but depending on severity, can also result in a Disrupting Server Operations and/or Not here to RP punishment. 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eclipse rp deathmatching rule