Former Journalist Urges Ethiopians To Unite

“Your nation is one of the leaders of Africa. Lead Africa again now. As one people. Please.”

Hachalu Hundessa: The Voice Of Millions

Ethiopian communities mourn the loss of a prominent activist and artist.

Sexual Abuse Reports Rise In Ethiopia As Children Stay Home

“The abusers usually scare them, saying ‘I will kill you if you tell. I will do something to your mother.'”

Advocates Seek Answers About Missing Ethiopian Girls

More than six months after 18 students went missing in Ethiopia, advocates for the victims are still searching for answers. Frustrated by the lack of information, activists and community members…

COVID-19 Patient Experience In Ethiopia

A woman in Ethiopia, who was a COViD-19 patient, is now trying to help others. In a six-part series on YouTube, Haymanot gave tips on how to get testing, how…

Newswire: Teff In Danger, Dam Dispute, Drug Approved For Coronavirus

Teff In Danger Teff, an ancient grain originally from Ethiopia, is a staple crop for 50 million people in the country. It is also increasingly popular worldwide, touted as a…

Resources: Autism Alliance, Help For Elders In Denver, Free Testing In Oakland

Habesha Autism Alliance Parents of autistic children are invited to take part in a teleconference on Friday June 26. The program will provide resources and give advice on navigating life…