Countless Lives Lost, Popular Destinations Destroyed In Ethiopia

“I don’t even know where the guests fled to. This was bread money I use to raise my kids.”

Widespread ethnic violence has been reported in Ethiopia after the murder of artist Hachalu Hundessa, who was often critical about the government while singing about bringing justice for his fellow Oromo people. Some protesters have reportedly incited violence as they demand justice for the popular musician who was gunned down mysteriously. According to The Reporter, this is the extent of the damage that has been reported around the country so far:

  • The government said at least 87 deaths have been reported in Oromia alone. However, it has been difficult for journalists in Ethiopia to confirm that number because the internet has been blocked in the country and misinformation has been spreading around.
  • Haile Resorts, owned by Olympian Haile Gebreselassie in the towns of Shashemene and Ziway, have been severely damaged. According to Addis Fortune, the Haile Resort in Ziway was “left a skeleton of its former self.” As a result of the buildings suffering damage, hundreds of employees who work at the resorts haven’t been able to go back to work.
  • The popular Bethlehem Lodge in front of Haile Resort was also burned to the ground, along with many more restaurants and houses.
  • In Addis Ababa, windows of several buildings have been broken and casualties were reported after some business owners fought to protect their property.
  • Many hotels and restaurants in the city of Adama also sustained damage . The iconic Yilma Butchery (Yilma Siga Bet) is one of the buildings that has been destroyed.

Read the full story by Samuel Getachew here.

Notable Quotes via Addis Fortune

“I don’t even know where the guests fled to. This was bread money I use to raise my kids.” — Abebech Getachew, owner of Bethelehem Hotel in Ziway, talking about the tragedy of seeing her property go down during the protests.

“It suffered 80% damage with eight to nine rooms surviving with just their skeletons. The operational equipment was stolen. The night chief manager and the employees had to run away with six of the guests that were there at the time.” — Melkamu Mekonnen, director of Haile Hotel & Resorts Group.

More News

Ethiopian Attorney General Adanech Abebe said three suspects in Hachalu’s death have been arrested. Abebe said a breakaway armed faction of the Oromo Liberation Front is responsible for the killing. via VOA.

Cover photo, Haile Resort in Shashemene via