Newswire: Teff In Danger, Dam Dispute, Drug Approved For Coronavirus

Teff In Danger

Teff, an ancient grain originally from Ethiopia, is a staple crop for 50 million people in the country. It is also increasingly popular worldwide, touted as a superfood for its gluten-free, high fiber and protein, and low-sugar properties. Read More

Dispute of Dam

It’s a clash over water usage that Egypt calls an existential threat and Ethiopia calls a lifeline for millions out of poverty. Just weeks remain before the filling of Africa’s most powerful hydroelectric dam might begin, and tense talks between the countries on its operation have yet to reach a deal. Read More.

Drug Approved For Coronavirus

Ethiopia has approved the use of Dexamethasone to treat seriously ill coronavirus patients.

“Following recommendation from our clinical advisory group and health professionals national advisory council, the Ministry of Health recommends the emergency use of low dose Dexamethasone for COVID-19 patients,” Lia Tadesse, the health minister, said on Friday. Read More.